How to track file downloads google analytics events

In our example, we've connected our site to Google Analytics. In our example, we send an event when a user clicks a button to download a document. On our  1 May 2017 Yes, you can track link clicks in Google Analytics. Event tracking simply applies a hot element on the page and whenever a File Downloads; Video Engagement; External Link Clicks; Internal Link Clicks; Email Link Clicks. It tracks clicks on download links on your website and accordingly sends Google Analytics events. Includes tracking for the links with the following extensions:. The example URL is: Download my file But the error below i thrown Does anyone know how to get the event tracking in google analytics to  22 May 2015 If you are a Google Analytics geek as I am, you are probably tracking those already. “You should track your PDF documents as Google Analytics Events”. it is to track PDF files as pageviews in Google Tag Manager v2.0. 27 Aug 2015 You then can easily see in Google Analytics how many pdfs, for example, This trigger determines whether a click on a link is a file download. variable and trigger in the previous steps, you can create the event tracking tag. You have to tell Google Analytics to keep track of what's critical to your business Since event goals don't allow us to do this, how can we use virtual pageviews and a You can use the virtual pageview trick for external links, file downloads, 

1 Nov 2013 How to Track PDF Traffic and Links in Google Analytics and Open Add a URL parameter to every link pointing to each PDF document on your site. to track downloads using Google Tag Manager to fire Analytics events.

The example URL is: Download my file But the error below i thrown Does anyone know how to get the event tracking in google analytics to  22 May 2015 If you are a Google Analytics geek as I am, you are probably tracking those already. “You should track your PDF documents as Google Analytics Events”. it is to track PDF files as pageviews in Google Tag Manager v2.0.

1 Apr 2019 To understand Google Analytics event tracking, you first have to For example, if you want to see how many people download a PDF you have on of times users downloaded a file; # of times users shared a blog post; How 

Turns out, GA offers at a "basic level" the option to track unique events on your website, e.g. a click on a link or a file download. Which makes statistics viewing  Have a pdf file on a Weebly page and would like to add GA Event tracking to determine number of downloads; Read everything I could find in a  5 Aug 2009 Learn how to quickly and easily track your PDF files with Google Analytics. Track them as either a Pageview or as an Event. Download our This is the information that we will send to Google Analytics, and will show up  If you are using Google Analytics on your website, you can use its event tracking functionality for tracking your downloaded files 

20 Oct 2017 Out-of-the-box, Google Analytics is great at tracking your website's traffic, you how to use events in Google Analytics to track file downloads.

1 May 2017 Yes, you can track link clicks in Google Analytics. Event tracking simply applies a hot element on the page and whenever a File Downloads; Video Engagement; External Link Clicks; Internal Link Clicks; Email Link Clicks. It tracks clicks on download links on your website and accordingly sends Google Analytics events. Includes tracking for the links with the following extensions:. The example URL is: Download my file But the error below i thrown Does anyone know how to get the event tracking in google analytics to  22 May 2015 If you are a Google Analytics geek as I am, you are probably tracking those already. “You should track your PDF documents as Google Analytics Events”. it is to track PDF files as pageviews in Google Tag Manager v2.0.

It's always bothered me too that Google Analytics doesn't track file downloads the Google Analytics API to send traffic events manually from your download 

6 Feb 2015 Google Analytics tracking for visitors who click file download links. “tracking file downloads” means sending Events to Google Analytics,